Oct 28, 2020
This third podcast will focus on the importance of sleep for being well.
Sleep has a powerful and transformative impact on nearly every area of our life: from our mental wellbeing to our ability to perform in the workplace and on our physical fitness. However, a culture of 'being busy' has developed and sleep is...
Oct 21, 2020
The focus of our second episode is motivation.
We appreciate that motivation can ebb and flow, particularly under the current unique circumstances. In this episode of Wellbeing, we explore the theory behind motivation and discuss some practical tips to help ourselves and others stay motivated.
Some of the key questions...
Oct 16, 2020
This first podcast will focus on the impact of lack of human interaction and what we mean by wellbeing and being well.
A fundamental cornerstone of human wellbeing is human interaction, and there have been various measures in place which have affected this throughout the pandemic. In terms of work, that is normally the...